आवासीय विद्यालय प्रवेश सूचना |    राजस्थान स्काउट आवासीय विद्यालय खुदी बड़ी लक्ष्मणगढ़ प्रवेश आवेदन पत्र व निर्देश |    राजस्थान बालचर आवासीय विद्यालय जगतपुरा जयपुर आवेदन पत्र व निर्देश

Rajasthan Scout Residential School, Jagatpura

Vision of new India

It's educational movement to guide young minds

Leaning a mental image

A Movement for Young People

The Scout training all comes from within.

Scouting exists for the benefits of young people. While Scouting’s educational people. While Scouting’s educational systems if particularly suited for the adolescent age range, the upper limit depends on factors which define what “youth” means perfective within a particular  culture and society. 

It is a youth movement and the role of adults consists of assisting young people in achieving the objectives of Scouting.  

Built for- Every Scout

Leaders who contributed for growth of Scout Movement in India

Adventure Activities

The voluntary commitment also extends to achieving the educational purpose of Scouting, as every members commits him or herself to the educational purpose of the National Scout Association to which he or she belongs

It is open to all Schools, Colleges, Educational Institutions, Cub/Bulbul, Scout/Guide and Rover/ Ranger Units who are interested in promoting and participating in Adventure activities.

5 National Adventure Programme in one year.

One International Programme in one year, in which youth from overseas countries also participate.

It is open to all Schools, Colleges, Educational Institutions, Cub/Bulbul, Scout/Guide and Rover/ Ranger Units who are interested in promoting and participating in Adventure activities.

5 National Adventure Programme in one year.

One International Programme in one year, in which youth from overseas countries also participate.

It is open to all Schools, Colleges, Educational Institutions, Cub/Bulbul, Scout/Guide and Rover/ Ranger Units who are interested in promoting and participating in Adventure activities.

5 National Adventure Programme in one year.

One International Programme in one year, in which youth from overseas countries also participate.

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